
The Pre-Assessment is designed to assess your current knowledge of the content areas prioritized by the National Family Support Professional Competency Framework. For the Career Compass to provide you with the best guided learning opportunities through the Institute, take the Pre-Assessment before taking any modules.

When you have completed the assessment, your results will be mapped onto your own, personal Career Compass which will guide you to modules within the Institute that will help you complete your map in preparation for the National Family Support Certification Exam.
illustration of person taking a quiz

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to take the Pre-Assessment?

All registered Institute users are eligible to utilize this free tool.

How do I register for the Pre-Assessment?
It is not necessary to register to take the Pre-Assessment, it is available for free anytime to all learners with an Institute account. To take the Pre-Assessment, sign up for a free account with the Institute or sign in with your already registered account. You must be signed in with your account to take the Pre-Assessment.
How do I take the Pre-Assessment?
Sign in to the Institute and visit the Your Compass page at the top of the site. Once in your Career Compass, click the yellow "Take the Pre-Assessment" button near the top of the page. This will take you to your Pre-Assessment. The Pre-Assessment is 170 questions and may take 1-2 hours. You can take the pre-assessment at your own pace, it is not timed and is a learning tool to help you identify your training needs.
Will the Pre-Assessment help me prepare for the National Family Support Certification Exam?
The Pre-Assessment is an important part of prepping for the exam. Our recommendation is to take the Pre-Assessment and complete modules and quizzes based on your Career Compass results. Once you have taken the appropriate modules and quizzes, feel free to return to re-take the Pre-Assessment to gauge your readiness for the exam. You can take the Pre-Assessment as many times as you wish.
What happens after the Pre-Assessment?
We have created a visual to help you navigate the Institute. Check out our Career Compass guide!
Is the Pre-Assessment scored?
The Pre-Assessment provides an overall score percentage as well as a percentage for each competency within the National Family Support Professional Competency Framework, which feeds into a learner's individualized Career Compass for a personalized learning experience within the Institute. The Career Compass allows learners to find modules that expand on content areas identified in the Pre-Assessment.
If I already took the Pre-Assessment, do I have to take it again?
No, but all registered Institute users are welcome to take the Pre-Assessment as many times as they would like.
Is the Pre-Assessment the same as the National Family Support Certification exam?
No, but the Pre-Assessment is the first step to preparing for the exam. Click here for more information on the National Family Support Certification Exam.

Questions about the Certification Exam?

Visit our Certification Exam info page to learn more.

Technical questions?

Contact us at

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