All Modules

Displaying items 121 - 130 of 130 in total
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Nutrition Basics

This module provides basic information about healthy nutrition using resources from

Breastfeeding 3: Helping Mothers Continue Breastfeeding

This module will give family support professionals information they can use to help women co...

Breastfeeding 2: Helping Mothers Initiate Breastfeeding

 This module will give family support professionals who work with pregnant women and fa...

Breastfeeding 1: Helping Mothers Choose Breastfeeding

This module will give family support professionals who work with pregnant women and families...

Reproductive Health

This module provides family support professionals with accurate information about male and f...

Three-Step Counseling Strategy

This module, adapted from the WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor module developed by the USDA ...

Prenatal Basics for Home Visitors

This module is a basic overview of the prenatal period, from conception through labor and de...