All Modules

Displaying items 16 - 30 of 129 in total Newest   Most Popular  

Have you taken the National Certification Pre-Assessment and scored 79% or less?  Do yo...

Child Abuse and Neglect, Part One: Education and Prevention

This 60-minute online module will give family support professionals information they can use...

Child Abuse and Neglect, Part Two: Abusive Head Trauma (Shaken Baby Syndrome)

This module will prepare family support professionals and others to educate families and car...

Child Development 3 - 5

This module gives an overview of typical child development for children ages three through f...

Child Development Birth to 3

This 45-minute training describes the way children from birth to three grow and learn in the...
Please join us for RN CORE Training. New CHIP nurses and supervisors are encouraged to atten...

Confidencialidad: El puente de la confianza

Este módulo de 45-60 minutos presenta las leyes de confidencialidad y su importancia cuando ...

Confidentiality for Supervisors

This 15-minute training provides guidance for supervisors on supporting Family Support Profe...

Confidentiality: The Bridge of Trust

This 45-minute module introduces the laws of confidentiality and their importance in buildin...

Culturally and Developmentally Appropriate Supervision

Supervisors will learn the necessary skills to guide their team members in response to each ...