Moving to Action: Advocacy, Referrals, and Goal-Setting

Learn strategies for making referrals, advocating for families and creating family action plans. Explore the importance of referrals and advocacy in widening a family's support network and tips for creating action plans that matter and support family success.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Use techniques to encourage families to follow through on referrals and become their own advocates
  2. Identify the reasons a family may need advocacy from the family support professional
  3. Use the "Do For, Do With, Cheer On" model to identify the family's level of self-sufficiency
  4. Use assessments as the foundation to develop a time-limited, outcome-based action or goal plan
  5. Use a strength-based perspective to set goals and motivate families
  6. Create SMART goals and use the 5 W's to create an action plan
  7. Use action plans to build confidence and competence in parents and enhance family functioning